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Information letter  - Abstract of the journal for 2019

Editorial Board of the International Scientific Journal "World of the Great Altai" opens the reception of materials for publication in 2019. The release of 4 thematic issues is planned.

Author’s guideline

Dear authors, editorial board of the international scientific journal " Ulken Altai Alemi – The  World of Great Altai" takes to print the author's manuscript which has not been previously published/

The management for authors

The management for authors

of the international scientific journal "The World of Great Altay"

Dear authors the editorial office of the international scientific journal "The World of Great Altay" accepts for printing author's manuscripts, anywhere earlier not published.

Authors are offered to submit the manuscript in electronic form to the journal address: e-mail:

Rules of execution of the scientific manuscript.

1.1. Authors present manuscripts to edition strictly according to the rules of registration of materials given in the Appendix 1.

1.2. The submitted articles have to correspond to the structure given in the Appendix 2 (the full instruction full name, places of work of all authors, the name and the summary of article, keywords have to be in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages, the e-mail address), the Appendix 4 Model of Execution of Article.

1.3. The bibliography is provided after the text of article according to GOST P 7.05-2008 in the uniform format established to RINT. Examples of execution of bibliographic references are given in the Appendix 3.

1.4. After receiving materials the manuscript goes for reviewing.

1.5. After obtaining the positive review edition notifies authors that article is adopted to publication and also remarks of reviewers and editors according to whom it is necessary to correct and add article. In case of refusal edition directs to publications of article to the author motivated refusal.

1.6. Authors bear responsibility for selection and reliability of the given facts, quotes, statistical and sociological data, proper names, place names and other data. Edition reserves the right of introduction of editorial editing. Edition can publish materials, without sharing the point of view of the author (as discussion).

1.7. No more than one article of one author can be published in one issue of the journal.

1.8. Full text versions of articles, summaries, keywords, information on authors in Kazakh, Russian and English languages are in free access on the Internet on the official site of the edition: 

Appendix 1. Rules of registration of materials

Articles are submitted by e-mail (e-mail: To Altaytanu) are also made out as follows.

Execution of the text of article:

Manuscript volume: 1 items of l.

Fields: at the left and on the right – on 2 cm, from below and from above – on 2 cm.

The main text of article is typed in the editor Word.

Font of the main text – Arial. The text is typed by 11 kg, a line spacing – one-and-a-half. For uniformity of style don't use font allocations (italics, underlinings, etc.). A space of the first line of the paragraph – 1 cm. Difficult formulas are carried out by means of the editor of formulas MS Equation 3.0 who is built in WinWord. Formulas settle down on the center of a column without space, their serial number is specified in parentheses and is placed in a column (page) with justification to the right. The only formula in article isn't numbered. From above and from below formulas don't separate from the text an additional interval.

For references to formulas in the text parentheses – (1), on references – parentheses are used (Mazhitov, 2016: 56). The bibliography is provided by 14 kg at the end of article strictly in alphabetical order without numbering.

Article has to contain the UDC code, the name of article, a full name of authors (completely), an academic degree, an academic status, a position, the name of the organization where work, the summary of article (0,5 pages) and keywords (on Kazakh, Russian and English on 10 words), the e-mail address is performed.

Graphic design of article:

Illustrations are carried out in a vector format in the graphic editor of Corel Draw 11.0, or in any of graphic applications of MS Office 97, 98, 2000 or 2007.

Schedules, drawings and photos are inserted into the text after the first mention of them in a look, convenient for the author.

Caption signatures (14 kg, usual) are given:

- under illustrations on the center after the word of Fig. with serial number (14 kg, usual);

- over the table with justification to the right after the word Table with serial number (14 kg, usual). The only drawing, the table in the text isn't numbered.


Appendix 2. Structure of article:


The title (in English).

Name, middle name and surname of the author in English.

After a space: the information about the author in English: organization, country

After a space: the summary - 200 words (in English), keywords - up to 10 words (in English). Keywords separate from each other a comma,

After a space: the text of article (in the English, Kazakh or Russian languages).

The structure of the text of article consists from:

1 Introductions (relevance of a problem of a research);

2 Materials and methods (materials and methods undersign in detail);

3 Discussions (in discussion is described which of authors I was engaged in this subject of a research);

4 Results (main part of article);

5 Conclusions (conclusions);

6 Thanks (if article is executed with financial support of scientific fund)

Literature (in original language). In the section literature not less than 20 references to literature or sources have to be in alphabetical order opened.

References (in a transliteration if the reference not in English with inclusion in brackets in semantic English. At the end of the footnote it is specified (In Russian) if the reference is translated from Russian).


The TITLE (in Kazakh)

name, middle name and surname of the author in Kazakh

information about the author in Kazakh: organization, country, address office, degree, rank, e-mail

the summary - not less than 200 words (in Kazakh), keywords - up to 10 words (in Kazakh).


The TITLE (in Russian)

name, middle name and surname of the author in Russian

information about the author in Russian: organization, country, address office, degree, rank, e-mail

the summary - not less than 200 words (in Russian), keywords - up to 10 words (in Russian). 

Appendix 3

Execution of bibliographic references

The list of the used literature finishes article and is published under the heading "Literature". The list of references is specified in alphabetical order. He has to contain only the works quoted in article. References to literature should be given by means of not number, but skobochny footnotes – by means of the indication of a surname of the author and year of work in brackets, separating the page number a colon (Abzhanov, 2016: 7). If the reference to the collection of articles is given, instead of a surname of the author it is possible to specify or a surname of the editor-in-chief (or the originator) the collection, either one or two words from the name of the collection. If the reference to material is given, the author or the originator of which isn't known (a newspaper note, etc.), it is also specified one or two words from the beginning of heading of material (Questions of history, 2016). The names convenient for reduction can be reduced, for example, Russian Geographical Society – RGO (RGO, 1901: 101-125). At the reference to articles or books written in common by two authors both authors are specified (Smagulova, Tokanov, 2016: 15). At the reference to articles or books written in common by three or more authors it is necessary to specify a surname of the original author and to write ", etc." (Kozybayev, etc., 1996); on foreign editions – "et al." (Vert et al., 2001). At references to the works of the same author published in the same year it is necessary to distinguish works, adding Latin letters a, b, c by a year of the edition (the Bull, 1991a), (the Bull, 1991b). Archival sources in the text are disclosed completely: (AP RK. T. 174 items of Op. 1. 2750. L. 23).

It is not recommended to refer to abstracts of theses and theses.

Models of registration


Polyan, 2001 - P.M. Polyan. Against the will: History and geography of compulsory migrations in the USSR. M.: OGI-memorial, 2001. 328 pages.

Collective monograph:

Bezugolny, Bugai, Krinko, 2012b - Bezugolny A.Yu., Bugai N. F., Krinko E.F. Mountaineers of the North Caucasus in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: problems of history, historiography and source study. M.: Centrpoligraf publishing house, 2012. 479 pages.


Isakiyeva, 2015 - Isakiyeva Z. Role of Chechens in development of the mining and metallurgical industry of the Central Kazakhstan in 1944-1957//the Theory and practice of social development. 2015. No. 20. [Electronic resource] / URL: (Date of the address 11/11/2016).

Archival sources:

GAVKO – State archive of the East Kazakhstan region GAVKO F.1 of the item Op.1. 3420. 45 p.


Transliteration. It is possible to automate process of a transliteration, having used the software which well to the address After an automatic transliterirovaniye it is necessary to check manually correctness of the received result and to introduce necessary amendments. Only the elements meaning to analytical processing have to contain the transliterated references (Full name authors, the name of the primary source, the output data). In the list of references of the name of works in the languages using nelatinizirovanny alphabets have to be translated into English and are put into square brackets; names of sources have to be transliterated, at the end it is necessary to specify original language in square brackets. In case of citing the book the name of publishing house (if this name of establishment) has to be translated into English, in all other cases - is transliterated, the place of the edition - is translated. 

Example of a transliteration:


Bezugolny, Bugai, Krinko, 2012b - Bezugolny A.Yu., BugaiN. F., Krinko E.F. Mountaineers of the North Caucasus in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: problems of history, historiography and source study. M.: Centrpoligraf publishing house, 2012. 479 pages. 

Bezugolny, Bugai, Krinko, 2012b - Bezugolnyj A.Ju., Bugaj N.F., Krinko E.F. Gorcy Severnogo Kavkaza v Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne 1941–1945 gg.: problemy istorii, istoriografii i istochnikovedenija.[ The mountaineers of the North Caucasus in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945: the problems of history, historiography and source studies] M.: Izd-vo Centrpoligraf, 2012. 479 s. [In Russian]



Appendix 4 Model of Execution of Article 

UDC 94 (574.42)

History of Аltai in the XX – the beginning of XXI centuries

In the contemporary  measurement: achievements and prospects of studying

Demchik Еvgenia Valentinovnaa*

а Doctor of History, Head of National History Department, Dean of History Faculty, Altai State University


The article is devoted to analysis of current state in the history of study Altai region –one of the largest regions in the Russian Federation –during the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. This paper presents research on the history of political, socio-demographic, economic and cultural life of the region cared out over the past twenty year. Conclusions are made about the introduction into scientific use of new sources, using a variety of methodological techniques and research principles, and the expansion of the thematic spectrum of scientific works. The prospects for further study the Altai history are outlined.

Keywords: Altai; the Soviet and post-Soviet periods; history of study, Russian Federation, the expansion.


*Corresponding author

E-mail addresses:


UDC 94 (574.42)

History XX of Altat – the beginning of the 21st centuries in modern measurement:

achievements and prospects of studying

Demchik Evgenia Valentinovna and *

doctor of historical sciences, department chair of national history, dean of department of history of the Altai state university.

Summary. Article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of studying of history of one of the largest of regions of the Russian Federation – Altaiski Krai – the Soviet and Post-Soviet periods. The researches on history of political, social and demographic, economic and cultural life of the region conducted for the last twenty years are considered. Conclusions are drawn on introduction to a scientific turn of new sources, application of various methodological receptions and the principles of a research, expansion of a thematic range of scientific works. The prospects of further studying of history of Altay are designated.

Keywords: Altai; Soviet and Post-Soviet periods; studying history, Russian Federation, receptions of a research. 

1. Introduction

The important place in modern scientific judgment of historical process is taken by regional researches. Through studying at the microlevel of historical events and the phenomena within local history there is an expansion of a subject range of researches, and a specification details and details of events of the past often allow researchers to estimate them in a new way that, in turn, promotes conceptual reconsideration of the whole historical periods of development of a civilization.

2. Materials and methods

In a modern regionalistika the essential research experience allowing to sum up some results and to define the possible prospects of advance of historical community on the way of further studying of regional history is accumulated. The political conditions which have changed during the post-Perestroika period promoted essential expansion of a problem and thematic range of historical researches. Opening of archival funds, declassification of many archival documents, the publication of new thematic documentary and statistical collections, reprinting of unique monographic editions of last years have essentially expanded istochnikovy base of historical researches, stimulated growth of interest of researchers, both to traditional, and to new subjects and plots.

3. Discussion

The choice by that of the dissertation researches on history XX of Altay executed within the last twenty years – the beginnings of the 21st century in many respects decided by impossibility before studying of these subjects within absolute domination by the unique Marxist of a paradigm in publications of the Soviet period on her rigid political and ideological canons. Such earlier unpopular or "forbidden" subjects, first of all, are connected with studying of separate social categories of citizens – opponents of the Soviet power (the Cossacks, a kulachestvo). So, in V.V. Isaev's works participation of the Cossacks of the Biysk line in events of revolution and the Civil war in Altai is investigated (Isaev, 2004); in Ya.A. Klimuk's works – "dispossession of kulaks" and resistance of the Altai peasantry in 1928-1931 (Klimuk, 2008).

4. Results

Within agrarian history of the region together with anthropologists of Moscow State University the cross-disciplinary project "Studying of the Adaptive Biological Status of Modern Descendants of Immigrants of the Period of Stolypin Reforms in Altai Krai" is realized. Databases are created, the monograph is published (Dispersal, Poplavskaya, 2013).

Questions of industrial policy, history of development of separate branches of production and the industrial enterprises were studied by S.P. Lyakishev (Lyakishev, 2003: 45), E.N. Kursakova (Kursakova, 2012: 3), I.S. Laponogova (Lapogonova, 2009).

5. Conclusion

Modern measurement of studying of history of Altai of the Soviet and Post-Soviet periods is wide and many-sided. Within two last decades essential research experience of scientific judgment of various parties of regional history is accumulated. At the same time relevant for modern scientific community introductions to a scientific turn of new sources, modern views for a role of historical knowledge are presented to lives of society of complex fundamental scientific history of Altai Krai as activization of research efforts on the concrete directions of studying of history of edge, and creation taking into account new methodological approaches. Preparation of such edition corresponding to the modern level of scientific knowledge it is expedient to carry out at the cross-disciplinary level, with participation not only historians-local historians, but also art critics, philologists, geographers, biologists – the scientific most different directions and specializations.

6. Thanks

Work is performed within implementation of the project...


Aldazhumanov, 1998 - Aldazhumanov of K. Nasilno to Kazakhstan. Deportation of the German population//the people Deported to Kazakhstan: time and destinies. Almaty: "Арыс" – Kazakhstan, 1998. Page 193-208.

Aldazhumanov, 1998a - Aldazhumanov of K. Trudarmeytsa of Kazakhstan: history and destinies//the people Deported to Kazakhstan: time and destinies. Almaty: "Арыс" – Kazakhstan, 1998. Page 315-322.

AP RK - Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan F. 708. Оп. 8. 113. 54 l.

Ermekbayev, Isakiyeva, 2014 – Ermekbayev Zh., Isakiyeva Z. Ethnography of life of Chechens in the Central Kazakhstan.//Theory and practice of social development. 2014. No. 20. [Electronic resource] / URL: (Date of the address 11/11/2016).


Aldazhumanov, 1998 - Aldazhumanov K. Nasil'no v Kazahstan. Deportacija nemeckogo naselenija [Force in Kazakhstan. The deportation of the German population]//Deportirovannye v Kazahstan narody: vremja i sud'by. Almaty: «Arys» – «Kazahstan», 1998. S.193-208. [In Russian]

Aldazhumanov, 1998a - Aldazhumanov K. Trudarmejcy Kazahstana: istorija i sud'by [Trudarmeytsy of Kazakhstan: history and destiny]//Deportirovannye v Kazahstan narody: vremja i sud'by. Almaty: «Arys» – «Kazahstan», 1998. S.315-322. [In Russian]

AP RK - Arhiv Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan [The Archive of The President of The Republic of Kazakhstan] F. 708. Op. 8. D. 113. 54 l. [In Russian]

Ermekbaev, Isakieva, 2014 – Ermekbaev Zh., Isakieva Z. Jetnografija zhizni chechencev v Central'nom Kazahstane. [Ethnography of the life of Chechens in the Central Kazakhstan]//Teorija i praktika obshhestvennogo razvitija. 2014. №20. [Jelektronnyj resurs] / URL: (Data obrashhenija 11.11.2016). [In Russian]


* e-mail address of mail of the author

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